Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Juan-ana Coffee

Check out this website for fair trade coffee from San Lucas Toliman in Guatemala. I visited the Catholic parish in San Lucas and was amazed at the effect that the parish ministry has had on the community. In other areas of Guatemala ( a country recovering from 36 years of civil war incited by a CIA supported military coup) the health of the indigent mayan people is very poor. The water is not clean. There are no schools for children. Many children are forced to work breaking rocks for pennies a day because their fathers have left for the U.S.. In S.L. all children go to schools that are run by the parish. There is also a hospital that provides basic health care and emergency care to the community. One of the many other ministries initiated by the church is the coffee farms.
Visit the website to learn more:

Land for the land-less is one of the most important efforts made in the integral human development program in San Lucas Toliman. It makes available to a farming people what is vital to their lives - land on which to produce their own basic food. It also gives them an opportunity to raise a cash crop of high quality to meet other human needs.


At 6:05 PM, Blogger jb said...

Hey - you've been busy! I like the site. How'd you copy all my links??


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